The day I put other ideas that I worked on in my career as an ACD. And sometimes as a writer.

The Self-exam Mannequin

2021. Breast self-exam (BSE), if performed regularly, can be an important way to find a breast cancer early, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a massive, more than 40% fall-back in diagnosing and treating breast cancer patients in Brazil. When the re-open took place in one of the biggest shopping malls in Sao Paolo, Tietê Plaza, we set up special mannequins in the most important international and local fashion stores: mannequins doing breast-self examinations.

Role: Associate Creative Director

Recognition: Bronzes at Clio, Epica, Cresta / Silver at Creativepool / Gold at White Square / Shortlist NYF and Lisbon

The Last Spark of Comunism

Rododendron depicts the last days of Hungarian communist regime and we wanted to re-create the emotional state of those times: uncertainty, fear and bleakness. Our image is black&white to express that atmosphere; only the head of the match is RED. The white lines suggest monotony and suppression, referring to the faceless power of communism. The badge is floating above that featureless texture; the star itself has the same featureless, plain stripes. Only the match-stick stands out of this composition, symbolizing the power of indiviuals, the fragility of authoritarian regimes. We wanted to make people feel uncomfortable, yet curious, so once this unusual perspective catches their attention, they start asking questions about the true story of Regime Change in Hungary. The campaign/film launch was set exactly on the same day – June 27th – when the story takes place, on the day of that historic fence-cutting of the "Iron Curtain”.

Check out the short film:

Role: Associate Creative Director

Recognition: Silver at Eurobest / GP at Kyiv / Gold at White Square / Shortlist at One show and NYF

Freedom Dolls

When we talk about the laser hair removal market, in which customers are mostly women, the first word that comes to mind is “freedom”. However, history shows women’s freedom has never been a right and they have always fought hard against sexism in a male-dominant world to throw off these shackles and conquer their space. Our insight comes from the misconception that you must free yourself to become who you want to be. When, in fact, being true to who you really are is what makes you free.

Role: Copywriter

Recognition: 4 Golds at Colunistas (1 Brazil, 3 Rio), Shortlist at FHNX


Children learn invaluable values from sports. With that in mind, Nescau - a chocolate powder brand from Nestlé - launched Jogadeira, a sports platform that invades the streets of São Paulo, a huge and unfriendly city for children, and creates safe spaces where the little ones can play and learn.

Role: Copywriter


Brief: to show how powerful the radio still is.

Role: Copywriter

Flying Book

Samsung had a huge challenge: to release its new notebook line in Brazil. The brief was pretty clear about the message: "They are extremely sleek, lightweight notebooks. Please communicate this". We did better: we showed this in a time when having ideas with drones wasn’t cringe.

Role: Copywriter


We created an all-type campaign with words that represent everyone’s dream in a relationship: passion, love, and romance. Except that a diamond hidden behind the letter “o” makes you think of a tiffany ring, something else that they dream of.

Role: Copywriter